Raindrops on Roses

Good things that happened this week:

we got a new carpet put in the toy room and are moving furniture back in,

the boy is looking into making a dresser for it,

we now have TV again, having done without since Christmas,

we (finally) set up my sister’s speakers,

we’ve had a good kitchen design and are thinking about it,

we went to a wedding on Saturday,

we spent a day with mum and dad and went to our old church with them,

we nearly finished mum’s jigsaw,

we went out for a meal last night as a late Valentine’s treat,

I haven’t been in to school all week,


I finished reading ‘A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian’, which is very funny, if you care about Eastern Europe, old people, family issues, get tragi-comedy and don’t need to laugh out loud on every page,

I narrowed down my options for what to do on my birthday,

my sister emailed from somewhere the other side of the world,

I finished marking year 11 algebra coursework,

I managed to play in the music group today,

M is considering allowing me to have some pet fish.

So I am determined not to get upset about being ill for five days this week or feeling annoyed with myself for still having school work to do now. In the bigger scheme of things, we’re doing ok really.

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